Canine Hydrotherapy

Canine hydrotherapy is a form of non-weight bearing exercise using key water properties to improve your pets range of motion and overall health. This type of therapy is often used for weightloss management without putting pressure on your dogs joints. It is also used for muscle building, cardiovascular health improvement, and post operative recovery to reduce pain and swelling.

Our trained specialist are here to guide you through this process. Please contact us for any questions.

(325) 704-5460

What are the benefits of hydrotherapy for dogs?

Evidence based benefits of hydrotherapy indicate that it:

  • Removes pressure from the joints which improves range of motion

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Helps to increase blood circulation

  • Increases muscle mass

  • Provides cardiovascular fitness

  • Provides mental stimulation

What are the key water properties and what do they mean?


Buoyancy is the upward exerted force onto an object when immersed in the water, this reduces the weight going through the limbs and makes movement easier.

Hydrostatic pressure:

This is the pressure exerted onto the body when submerged in water, this reduces swelling and inflammation.


Resistance is greater in the water compared to walking on land. It creates a cushioning effect on submerged limbs which makes movement harder, this helps to increase muscle mass.


This is the movement of the water which can create a more challenging environment for the patient. This can only be used in fitness patients.


Water molecules tend to adhere to each other creating a greater resistance, this is greater on the surface of the water.

Specific gravity

The ratio of body weight compared to the ratio of water, this helps with buoyancy.